Thursday, September 29, 2011

Success and Failure

Success: Perception: It's easy to see that this is a rocking, reading chair.  It invites you to sit, rock and read a book because of the shape and lamp on top.  Balance: It is balanced (Imagine the view from the front).  It is stable on the felt axis and is bottom heavy to provide that stability.  Stress:  The stress is on the seat and lamp because of the use of color and lighting.  Attraction and Grouping:  The use of the lightening with the relaxed connotation of a rocking chair attracts people to use it as a reading chair and adds to the meaning.  Positive and Negative: The use of positive and negative space in the design of the chair not only adds to the aesthetic beauty, it also adds to the functionality on the chair.

Failure: Perception: The design is very ambiguous, it's hard to tell that this is a chair.  Balance: It's balanced but in a very boring way.  The folds/armrests seem a little haphazard. Stress: The stress is on the chair underneath the chair cover.  It looks awkward.  Attraction and grouping:  The idea of this design is to cover cheap chairs and make them more comfortable and appealing by the soft material and use of bold color. Positive and Negative:  The design is mostly positive. There is not much negative space and where there is, it seems almost unintentional.  Such as the folding of the cover so you can sit down.  Also the fact the cover fit completely over the top of the chair creates a negative space and what looks like a mistake. 

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